It is a poor knife that does not cut both ways.
– Jon Williams, copyright 2007

…of a company, is it easier for one or more of the employees to rationalize unethical or even illegal behavior? When the executive management has a pattern of ethical, legal behavior I theorize the mission, or the vision, or the road map–something visible–will verbalize ethics and legality as a cornerstone of the business.

Of course, the corollary might be those who talk do not know, and those who know do not talk. Restated, if the company trumpets its ethics and legal compliance, what are they hiding?

In part, this becomes subjective analysis. That part leads me to assert that ethics and legality should at least get a byline in the company code of conduct.

This might be fodder for dissertation at some future date.

I am not sure why I did not think of it before seeing the picture here but I think I need a zippo to carry my usb key with me.

There is a lovely MAKE project in there somewhere.

Project Management on a Stick | Urban Workbench

…Japanese/Chinese/Korean/Kanji/Hanzi ( – Dictionary Translation Japanese/Chinese/Korean/Kanji/Hanzi ) is a web-based pop-up dictionary for languages I may never be completely fluent with. So do I get to “read” the Toyota Prius web site in Japanese with its help? Will check. Fabulous!!

I got there from here.

what i wish you knew

20070119, 03

…about customer service could be summarized in three sentances.

I’m sorry, we are currently out-of-stock on those items. How many do you need? If you order three or more we can order them now and have them drop-shipped to your home.

I drove 32 miles across town to a family-owned paper and art goods store today. I needed a box of A-6 and matching envelopes, and did not want to buy from the big-box retailer by my house.

There were two employees chatting with each other “on the floor” in the paper department. Not finding what I needed, I asked if perhaps it was available from a storage room. One of the two offers to check but disappeared, the other says “We must be out of that.”

I searched the entire department for myself; I noticed both had resumed their chat. I noticed neither was interested in the customer(me) any longer and neither had any interest in where I came from, neither really considered why I was there and whether I was going to make a purchase.

Ok–so I admit my feelings were hurt. I like being the center attention. I also like spending money where people seem to enjoy their business.

But what I really love is to buy something of quality from someone with a smile, professionalism and courtesy.

It is not that difficult.

I stopped at a franchise-model paper shop on the way home. It cost 11% more, but at least they had the stationery in stock. The employee never looked me in the eyes. Never said anything except “Sign this.” –not even “Hello!” when we walked in. They missed out too–I only bought one box to get through the next few letters while I look for someone with entrepreneurial spirit and a little personality. Maybe next time I’ll just go to the big-box retailer next door.

…has the best coffee I have had in ages and I was delighted to have visited today for the first time. We also picked up Bodum swag that is delightful, effective, convenient and so very cost-effective as we paid 60% of sticker. Don’t miss out. This deal is too good to miss. Go get yours.
Been looking for Bodum double-walled glasses? Now is definitely your chance.

Besides the superb coffee & the great deals, I love real businesses–those that actually have owners behind the counter and working! This company and its people are first-class; Please support them when you are in the area.

Mr. Jobs rolls out the iPhone, and dedicated App-loyees roll out a new site. They are “…busy updating the store for you and will be backĀ We'll be back soon... shortly to gratefully accept your orders for technology that will shift the way cellular phones are sold (at least in America). I am a dreamer? Perhaps. Since the price looks to be pushing US$500, it is safest to assert Apple will increase the number of raises requested by working stiffs like myself…and I may still by that SLVR that I had my eye on.

Add this to the other items that i need for work and my raise should be about $15K.