Google Chrome OS

20090709, 28

There is some discussion about the operating system from Google; While a windowing system on a Linux kernel may not seem like much to the tech folks, end-users won’t likely know what a windowing system is. Furthermore, the windowing system will  distance them so much from the kernel they will never gain familiarity with it either. They will just get a computer that works, doesn’t break, doesn’t need updates and repairs, and is probably pretty much enormously more cost-efficient for all the things they find themselves doing with a computer.

No matter the operating system, people and communities need flat-rate unrestricted access and bandwidth to innovate and drive economic success going forward.

By the way, I read somewhere Microsoft did not use its anti-competitive strategies against Apple because eliminating even the illusion of competition would have isolated them as the monopoly that they were (are?). Choice is good; Even if we are unlikely to see large companies dump Windows at any time in the near future, a third OS from a market leader provides that most illusive thing–hope!

Google Drops a Bomb: Its Own Operating System | Technomix | Fast Company
Mere hours ago, Google did something that’s pretty surprising, and that will impact the netbook, and maybe PC market: It announced its own operating system, Chrome. It’s open source.

During installation on 2.6.24-24-generic (Ubuntu 8.04 LTS), the VMware-server-2.0.1 asks for a user.
I was running sudo ./ and it would not accept my Ubuntu login which happens to be one lower-case letter.
I used root as the username, so that the installation would complete.
Of course, I have no interest in actually using root to log in to a web app, nor in creating a password for root–this is Ubuntu!
Upon successful completion I tried to login to the https://localhost:8333/ and it did not allow root to login without a password.
no worries:

Google’s cache of provided the following solution from WillBeen, comment: May 20th, 2009 04:21
sudo vi /etc/vmware/hostd/authorization.xml
edit line 8: <ACEDataUser>x</ACEDataUser>

change x (your username)
to your preferred user

I had to reboot
then tell Firefox to accept the self-signed cert…
Now it is time to see if VMWare Server will let me import and run my virtual machines.


…created by iTunes. First install fslint on your Ubuntu.
sudo apt-get install fslint

then you can go command line or start the gui

choose your directory

“Find” and manually delete…

Gracious thanks to:

welcome to nginx…

20090506, 19

nginx is a solid web server with fewer resource requirements that allows me to get working “through a Ruby on Rails stack with full Capistrano integration and deployment via a subversion repository.” I have enough deployment challenges to stimulate my thought processes from WebLogic (8.x, 9.3), so am looking forward to exchanging my time for  more than new deployment methodology.

are products that allow me to add huge value to the project I am helping my team of developers to complete. We are threading the needle of Hyperion products with the knowledge of the business that is our corporate thread. When complete, we will stitch together the silos and systems of a diverse and far-flung enterprise to improve the profitability and performance of each product and service we provide to more than 50 million customers in these United States.

If one dug deeply, and gained clear understanding of the strongest engines within the core computing systems upon which our success is grown, the ubiquity of and dependence upon, open source products to maintain that strength would be self-evident.

For example, within a day, I was able to download, install & troubleshoot a pragmatic system of development tools (including subversion, openssh & vim) that allow us to more effectively build enterprise applications on enterprise-architect-approved platforms (including Hyperion, Solaris & BEA Weblogic). It did not take a committee, it did not require additional budget & it did not incur consulting, training nor other expenses for my employer.

It did require a personal commitment to moving beyond stitching things together with hammer and nails–did require an understanding that if the only tool in your toolbox is a hammer, then everything, all the time, begins to look like a nail. These (and more inspirational core concepts) are covered clearly in The Pragmatic Programmer.

And it requires a commitment to mastery exhibited by so many, the builders of the libraries, installers, protocols, utilities and more that make up great products like cygwin.

SUSE 10 w/gnome

20060227, 09

my SUSE 10 installation completed uneventfully and I have churned through 5 hours of google-ing and a dozen linux sites for a way to connect to the Internet using my ******* EVDO card.

I know it can be done; Just not by me, apparently.

ed:20060812; actually got connected through evdo on suse 10 but the connection was dialup slow, and I just don’t have the technical expertise at this time to make it as fast as it is supposed to be. maybe I should buy an apple–verizon has a supported product for evdo connection on apple

suse 10 installation

20060213, 07

The partions of a computer require careful consideration prior to install. Years of hacking have not prepared me for the ego-deflation–and frustration–of installing SUSE 10 on my HP Athlon AMD-K7 554MHz w/ 256MB of memory and the loudest fans. ever. Partitions and multi-boot systems and articles like “All About Linux“, a “Linux Partition HOWTO” (using fdisk utility), and nearly a half-dozen more sites, and three locked-up installations, and three hours later? I am marginally closer to having completed the careful consideration. I am also back to my trusty Knoppix 4.0.2 livecd which has me up and running with all components recognized in just under 3.5 minutes. That includes the sound card (Aureal Semiconductor Vortex 2), which I have never, ever, gotten to work before, starting with Red Hat 8 (can’t remember what kernel that was).

So, me and Jimi Hendrix (now playing on my HK 195s) postulate that knoppix 4.0.2 is the way to get from 0 t linux in the least amount of time. word.