i’m small.

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In the beginning there was genius, but then it got transmuted into all sorts of living beings and they created stuff. Some of it good; Some of it other than good. And some of it lovely, yet small and adventurous

I am small. I have adventures....

I am small. I have adventures....

why’s poignant guide to ruby :: 1. About this Book

of narnia is like being a kid for seven long afternoons all over again. Not a bad use of time. Relaxing. Recommended.

I got all seven in one book from  c o s t c o.

…seemed a little tough getting up on the skis at first, but has been blasting along behind a fast boat since. I enjoyed this book over a period of days while sitting on the bus, to and fro’ work. Good to watch this flicker of business reflected in the rear-view mirror of Paul (& Ann’s) writing. Good to hear about running a business with good company—partners—and making a bunch of cash. Great to hear about people providing services worth paying for.

There are some gems:

  • What to look for in partners and associates (questions to answer for yourself)
  • How to build an assets strategy (getting on your business)
  • Where to go for an economics class 🙂
  • Who to see when you are ready to invest (at least) a million US$
  • How wealthy people get involved with great causes
  • Many more..

Small gripe: Would really have liked to see a “charitable” percentage of profits from the sale of this book dedicated to something interesting, like the work of maintaining an environment in American conducive to the small business entrepreneur?

Buy hard cover copy of Copy This from Chapter 11

a nose perspective

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a while back Eva gave me Perfume, written by Patrick Sueskind, and translated from the German into English.

“In eighteenth-century France there lived a man who was one of the most gifted and abominable personages in an era that knew no lack of gifted and abominable personages.”

Head to the beach for the afternoon, and enjoy this book.

a promise of magic

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proffered in the writing of Barbara Kingsolver surprises no one who is familiar with her work. Pigs in Heaven takes a hike through connections with tribe and connections with self returning to what seems like a fairy tale obscured by modern conflicts and modern values.

The community–that stream of life that nurtures its members in ways that individuals cannot nurture themselves–describes a place where people “keep an old fire burning.” Definitely worth your time. Keep in mind this is a sequel to The Bean Trees so you might as well read that first.